Faith-Based – Start


Now that you have recruited and trained your Volunteer Health Mentor(s), participants and community partners, you’re ready to get started!

Participants should start tracking their blood pressure at least eight times over the course of four consecutive months, and your Volunteer Health Mentor(s) should meet with each participant at least twice a month to help them stay on track.

Participants can start at any time, as long as each participant takes and logs their blood pressure at least eight times over the course of four consecutive months.

After four months, the Volunteer Health Mentor will review the blood pressure readings with the participant and discuss reasons behind the results. If the participant did not reach his/her goal, the Volunteer Health Mentor and the participant should determine what the next steps are. This may include continuing participation in Check. Change. Control. Connecting Communities and Care for additional months, sharing American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s educational resources (see below), and/or talking to his/her provider about how to manage their blood pressure. Additional resources may be available through


Worksite Wellness Resources

High Blood Pressure Tools & Resources

AHA Diet & Lifestyle Recommendations

Sodium Information & Resources

Sodium & High Blood Pressure

Heart Healthy Recipes

AHA Physical Activity Recommendations